Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Coco Pops in Paris

Do you remember those tiny little tattoos that came out of the gumball machine, encased in a clear plastic ball, ready to be licked and applied to the horror of unsuspecting moms who shuddered at the thought of the idea growing into the real thing; and all for a mere thin dime?
Well, this carefully thought out marketing seed, undoubtedly plotted and planted by the ageless/old Coco Chanel has come full circle in the form of “Les Trompe L’Oeil de Chanel,” the same Coco who brought us the quote “Elegance does not consist in putting on a new dress.”
The hit of the 2010 Spring/Summer Chanel catwalk, these temporary transfer tattoos, designed for the weenies among us, appear to be the next best must have trend of the beautiful, but uncommitted, people crowd.
Confirmed by it’s popularity at the latest big event, the Karl Lagerfeld fashion show in Paris, the set of 55 temporary tattoos features floral, beading, and bangle patterns, and of course, the Chanel logo. Seen snaking their way up and down the slight, and powder white arms and legs of the monotone models at the following shows by Jean Paul Gaultier and Rodarte, it would seem that the couture gravy train is building steam and shows no sign of disappearing anytime soon, that is until it washed away.
These chic temporary wonders, conceived at the corner drugstore gumball machine, are only sold as a set and can be purchased for the inflation infected price of a mere thin $75 bucks. And what’s in store next from Ms. Coco-Chanel logo embroidered booty pop panties, I suspect, for the glutically challenged sophisticate wanting to make a grab-my-big- juicy-ass statement in overpriced top shelf style.